Sunday, August 10, 2008

What is Real?

I have been dabbing into lolita lately. Now, when I say that I don't mean that I am having relations with a girl who is a nymphette. That would be wrong. I am reading the acclaimed book by a Russian author with the name of Vladimir Nabokov. He created the characters of Humpert Humpert and his fourteen year old obsession he so longingly refers to as Lolita. Now, the story is a tad controversial and is accepted as a genuine piece of literature. I really enjoy this book. Not necesarilly because of the plot, but because of the way it is written. It is written from the perspective of Humpert and he is the narrator. I think this allows the reader a lot more room for which he can interpret the story and truely adds a lot of depth. For example, the narrator(who is writing in the first person) states that he is very attractive and that women are drawn to him becasue of this and his charm. But, he also mentions his brief stints in being commited. Now, if a narrator who was outside of the story physically described Humpert as being attractive the reader would take that at face value. But, since it is writen by Humpert essentially, we can allow ourselves to wonder about how much he is saying is true. It allows us to interpret the character in a much better sense, because we are hearing directly from the character and not being told about the character or his actions. For example, I had a thought that he could potentially have an inferiority complex. He avidly describes what he looks for in a Nymphette(which is basically a girl who is "blossoming" into a woman), and that he notices every slight imperfection. Therefore I think that if he notices tiny imperfections in others, he therefore would notice them in himself. I think that is the reason he goes out of his way to discuss his "physical prowess" and how women are attracted to him. Or, he could simply be an arrogant ass. That's the fun in reading the story and attempting to interpret that.


headstrong gullibilty said...

Since I have yet to read lolita and probably never will allow me to just comment on your synopsis. I enjoy the way you think more into the character/narrator than most people ever would.
I did however think that at the beginning you did mean you enjoyed being aroused by teenage girls.I therefore, am glad you cleared that up. thanks.

Jbird518 said...

Yes, that is why I put that. The last thing I need is for the FBI to arrest me for thinking I'm a pedophile. Cause they monitor internet blogs now....damn Patriot Act.

dMonti said...

I'm proud of your analysis -- you haven't even taken upper-level english courses either. You are a genius.