Monday, September 1, 2008

We the People.

In 1776 Thomas Jefferson penned some words to a piece of parchment. It was these words which signified that we had shredded our ties with Great Britain. The process for the thirteen colonies deciding to announce independence was a complicated process which involved a multitude of people. The final conclusion of the decision was a piece of parchment with some signatures. When people think of who won American independence the names of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and John Hancock come to mind. But, those people would be wrong. Now, don't mistake my meaning, I am entierly awed by the bravery and intelligence of our founding fathers. However, the people who truely won our independence were the ones who froze in the trenches at Valley Forge. The ones who crossed the icy Deleware on Christmas Eve to take out a battalion of Hessians. The ones who stayed with the Army even though it looked as if the American cause would be destroyed in one foul swoop. Those are the ones who truely won America's right to exist.

Throughout the ages it has been those people who served in America's military who have kept America's freedom as well. The faces of the Yanks as they were forced to fight their southern brothers. The face of the pimply faced teen lying face down on the beaches of Normandy. The Marine who braved the Japanese jungles. These are the faces who have allowed the United States to remain United.

I bring this up because I have been thinking about the military. And when I think about American history and what America represents it fuels that desire to want to serve. Beacuse it has been "we the people" who have kept America intact and it is up to "we the people" to maintain that. My friend Corey is also joining the Marines. The guy is more of a brother to me than the other person who came out of mother's womb. So, I say to you big guy, that when you join remember that it is an honor to serve. That you are in the company of people who are imprinted upon history. Also, stop bitching at me for not bloggng.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wait. We didn't come from the same womb? Clearly you are mistaken. We don't come from wombs Josh. I was delivered via stork from a baby factory, and so were you.