Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Aint nothin' but mammals.

Some friends of mine are in a battle over whether or not men actually do in fact have souls. He says that men are basically farmers. We plow the field(and by field, I mean a woman's vagina. It's kind of like a metaphor) and spread our seed(by seed, I mean seaman or sperm). Whereas she says that is not a good outlook on life. And that men are capable of having "emotions" and "feelings". He says that men who have "emotions" and "feelings" are in fact fruits(and by fruits, I mean gay people).

So, in the midst of this argumentation my mind began to wander. I was reminded of a song which had a certain poetic quality to it,

"You and me baby aint nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel".

I don't believe in that quote. Because I have decided that out of ALL The things that seperate man from beast. Sex is the only thing that seperates us. Sure you could toss in the idea that GOD breathed in a soul to man, and not animal. But let's cast that aside for the sake of this blog. Man has this vast intellect that we pride ourselves on. But, animals have shown the ability to use logic. Mice can figure out mazes. We build these great buildings. But, birds take resources around them and build nests. We build up these moral values as humans. But, animals show compassion and warmth. We have governments. But, in the animal kingdom there are forms of organization into packs. I guess you could say our elected officials are the alpha males of America. Ha, George W. Bush is our alpha male....I digress. But, sex is the only thing where there is a difference.

Because most animals in the animal kingdom primarilly procreate during times of heat. Whereas man has sex for pleasure most of the time. But, animals have sex for pleasure too, certain ones anyways such as dolphins. But the main difference is that man doesn't have sex. We choose NOT too based out of some created ideology of love or whatever reason. We place an intangible value on the idea of sex and love and monogomy. Man is probably the only animal that would not have sex with an attractive member of the opposite sex(or the same sex if you're one of those "fruits") in order to uphold this sense of honor.

I'm not trying to denegrate the idea of monogomy or love. Or saying that we should just sleep with whomever, but I am just trying to make an observation.


headstrong gullibilty said...

My question is why in the video for that song are they wearing bear suits and not like boar or bull suits. The point being that a bull will have sex with any and every female susceptible in a 5 mile radius as well as a male pig. A bear however is much more picky when it comes to finding a mate that is one of the reasons they are going extinct and can not mate in captivity.
Just saying is all....

Jbird518 said...

I believe they are actually in primate suits.