Friday, August 8, 2008

The Evolution of the Media.

The right to have a free press is truly one of the greatest things that the founding fathers could have provided. We took a lesson from the great thinkers of the past, such as Montisque, and created a government with three branches. This way the three factions of the government would quibble amongst themselves as a system of checks and balances. But, the creation of a free press allowed for an outside force to creat another check upon the government. An unbiased media is critical for a functioning democracy.

I was recently talking to a friend the other day about technology. He was describing his love for the iPod. Which if you are unaware, is a portable device which carries music. I don't know why they called it an "iPod" when it's not actually a pod, but a machine. Anyways, I was then thinking about the internet and how great that invention is. You can do EVERYTHING on the internet!!! You can bank, buy goods, meet people, and let's not forget about all that porn! The internet allows for information to go from one end of the world all the way to the other in the blink of an eye. Al Gore sure knew what he was doing when he created this thing. Back in the 1950's this old guy by the name of Joseph McCarthy was running amuck accusing everyone of being a communist. A new invention called the television helped to quell his uprising because when people actually had a chance to SEE what an ass he was during a congressional hearing, public opinion turned against him. The internet has the ability to do this with current news stories in a much bigger format. People can blog and literally everyone can become a journalist, a story writer, or a filmmaker.

The only thing that sucks is that it will probably be used as a tool and misused. Just as the television created this great ability to see events in real life, and to get news much faster, it has allowed the news to become a commodity. With the invention of 24 hour news networks, the news is becoming increasingly sensationalized. Stories which have real world implications, such as pollitical discourse, are being thrown away to cover more "popular" stories such as Britney Spears showing her who-ha(yeah that's right) or Paris Hilton getting arrested and raped in jail(that's hot). The internet is becoming a tool to help spread rumors and to increase the sensationalism of news and events. Anyways, I had more that I wanted to write...but I don't feel like it. Suck it, biatches(that's black for bitch).


headstrong gullibilty said...

i am pretty sure saying black people use the term biatches is incorrect. It actually is more of a term for nerdy people who don't actually want to use profane language.

Anonymous said...

Josh, you do realize that you are bastardizing the internet as much as pop culture did the press?
Then again, I cant say anything, I blog about fellatio being the source of happiness.