Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Sexism...alive and well.

John McCain has chosen his Vice Presidential running mate. She is a feisty young woman by the name of Sarah Palin. It is a momentous occassion, because she has the prime opportunity to become the first female vice president. I was listening to some pundits discussing some pros and cons about her and the arguments that were being thrown against her made my blood begin to boil. Litterally, it was not a pleasent feeling as the blood began to boil and steam shot out of my ears. I wanted to throw my remote through the damn television and into the face of the people talking. One of the hosts stated that "how can this woman take on the role of being vice president and still be a mother to her children". Does anyone not notice the sexism in that question. It litterally made me want to vomit. We try and be this "open society" where everyone would be treated equal. Yet, this woman is meant to give up a golden opportunity because she has children? And where is the question asked of Barack and how he is going to raise his little girls while taking on the stresses of the presidency? Not to mention the criticism that Palin has gotten because of her seventeen year old daughter being pregnant. That by accepting the VP nod she is "putting her daughter into the publics eye and under scrutiny. First, her daughter is seventeen and capable of making her own decisions, she got pregnant and is getting married. It is not that big of a deal. Secondly, THEY ARE PUTTING HER DAUGHTER INTO THE PUBLICS SPOTLIGHT BY REPORTING IT!!! If it is such a travesty then stop talkinga bout the damn thing. And then there are "reports"(and by reports, i mean dumb ass bloggers who think they have relevency in the world who say stupid shit and it somehow gets picked up as fact) that her child with down syndrome(which I think is sad that everyone just refers to it as 'sarah palin's down syndrome baby') is actually her seventeen year old daughters that Sarah Palin has claimed to give birth to in order to protect her daughter. I just don't think these attacks would be thrown against a man and it sickens me to no end.


headstrong gullibilty said...
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headstrong gullibilty said...
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Anonymous said...

You can win whatever you want. Once a month your vagina start gushing blood. Thats the real reason you shouldn't be allowed to be president. -Sponsored by Exxon Mobile.